Traditionally, playing games and studying are different even opposite from each other for most people. However, teachers sometimes organize games in class to facilitate students' learning. Recently, there is a new term can explain this phenomenon, that is gamification. According to Wiki,
gamification typically involves applying game design thinking to non-game applications to make them more fun and engaging.
According to
Chen, I-Jung, games offer students a fun-filled and relaxing learning atmosphere. In a game-oriented context, anxiety is reduced and speech fluency is generated. I cannot agree this more. Taking myself as an example, I am shy, hence loath to speak in public. However, when there is game time in class, like Yes Or No game, I become very active and engaged. It's because I pay attention to the game, instead of the language, so I am not fear of negative evaluation and can speak out.
As for choosing a game to use in class, I usually play Escape the room, and I think
MOTAS is one good choice. The followings are my learning objectives.
1. Learning related vocabularies. In the game, the players have to click the objects to get the clues, so they can know the English names of the subjects.
2. Understanding the contexts. Likewise, the objects are annotated, the players need to understand these annotation to process in the game.
In my opinion, the rules of the game are brief, so students can master the gist easily. In addition, the game is interesting for students, because most of them are curious and have the desire to win. In this way, I think they can be actively involved. As for me, the teacher, I think I am a prompter and a observer. This is because that I have to read and explain the clues for them to help them find walkthroughs or just tell them walkthroughs. Also, I have to check their movements in the game to know their language levels. In order to show walkthroughs clear to students, I think I will use images fro the game.
At last, I can assess whether students achieve the learning objectives or not by checking their moving in the game, because if they understand the walkthrough, they know what to do next.